The South End
This section of the Indiana Railroad is what might be the most remote section of the entire railroad. Partly because it crosses a remote navy base and partly because this part of Indiana is screaming wilderness, remote and inaccessible for the most part.
Just after leaving Elnora in the vicinity of Odon Indiana are several inactive and active coal loadouts. Coal is trucked to these loadouts from small mines not needing a dedicated spur and loaded into trains to head other places.
Just after Odon and the loadouts you will find the massive out of the way chunk of land named Crane Naval Weapons Support center. Here you will find the extensive navy yards and a passing siding, as well as the Chicago Subdivision's only tunnel. All of this is very inaccessible normally. Now the Navy has in the past allowed speeder outings and other such endeavors. But unless you have an access pass from the Navy I would not recommend going East of Burns City or West of Indian Springs. Why is there a Navy base in the middle of seemingly landlocked Indiana? Well you won't find any boats here. The Navy finds this out of the way spot a great place to store bombs, munitions, and other imminently wonderful ways to blow things up here. Rumors that that the Arc of the Covenant is kept here are unfounded...To my knowledge.
East of Crane Indiana the track has now been removed and service discontinued.
There is an island of INRD trackage left in Bedford however. The Bedford Belt and the short section of the main is left. However CSXT has discontinued service on the ex Monon so this is now all dormant.
Crane IN
Bedford IN
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